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Reading With Your Grandchild

Many parents today don't have as much time as they would like to read to their children. Grandparents can fill this void. They can play a vital role in their grandchild's education. Children who are read stories are better learners and have stronger communication skills (i.e. listening, talking, writing, reading). Research also shows that by having contact with children's stories -- which are often full of wonder, imagination, and hope -- older people retain a more positive, happier outlook on life.

Cuddling up and reading stories aloud together (even with older grandchildren) gives children "something to remember you by." Reading a story together is one of the easiest, most powerful ways to build a close relationship. It also takes some pressure off grandparents to be entertaining or to say the "right thing." It's foolproof, cozy, and a natural way to start conversations. Stories get to our head through our heart. They capture our imagination. They reach all ages and bridge the generation gap -- you can pretend, discover, quiver, and laugh together. And each generation gets something slightly different from a given story, so stories can spark meaningful intergenerational dialogue.

For ideas about books to share with grandchildren, consult a local library, bookstore, or the list of storybooks on this website.

The sheet below gives you some tips on reading with your grandchildren. You can view and print the sheet below in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). If you don't already have it, you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Acrobat Reader is available free of charge from the Adobe Website. Click on the link below to download and install your free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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Once Acrobat Reader is installed on your computer, just click on the sheet. Allow up to 2 minutes for the sheet to download and appear on your screen. Note: If you're using Netscape 6, you may not be able to view the page automatically. Call 1-800-772-7765 for more information.
